Meet The Speakers

Meet Robert Lemke

Robert Lemke

About Robert Lemke

Robert Lemke is the lead developer of TYPO3 Neos and founding developer of the TYPO3 Flow application framework. He is passionate about clean code and found his personal mission in bringing successful development and architecture techniques from other programming languages to the PHP world. Besides his freelancing work as a software architect and coach, he spends most of his time working for the TYPO3 project. He's also a frequent speaker at T3CON, T3DD and PHP conferences.

He started programming at the age of 11 and sold his first software when he was in the 9th grade. During the last 25 years he has gathered experience in creating web applications which goes well beyond the art of programming.

In his professional work, TYPO3 and Open Source Software he has always played a major role. It is the most powerful way to create high quality software with a big team of highly skilled people.

In 2006 he started what today has become TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 Neos. Working for all these years, with dedication and passion on an application framework and content management system, he has developed a special sense of quality. Being involved in complex customer projects, Robert learned to focus on the essentials. He is not overly academic but won't take compromises on quality.

Over the the past few years he has given dozens of presentations on international conferences and trained various companies and individuals. He just loves to share knowledge and inspiring people to delve into techniques and/or software.

Robert lives in Lübeck, Germany, together with his wife, their two daughters and R-58, their espresso machine.

TYPO3, in-house workshops, coaching


Link up with Robert Lemke

 Conference Activities

  • Presentations on a variety of TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos topics
  • Presentations on themes related to community, future web and business
  • Special social event (free to attendees of the conference; individual tickets available for others)
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Fishbowl talks
  • Ask an expert


Excellent Wi-Fi will be available for the duration of the conference.

 Platinum Sponsors

  • AOE Media
  • domainfactory

Social Networks

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