Welcome to T3CON13

The 9th European TYPO3 Conference

October 29-31 2013 // Filderhalle in Stuttgart

TYPO3, Base for Augmented Reality

By Menno Ouweneel

One of the problems in AR is the feeling of complexity of creating AR content and the fact users want to reuse data more and more to keep things simple and manageable. Together with our R&D team we are working on a prototype to be able to push content from TYPO3 to an AR cloud that will connect to an Augemented Reality platform to push AR content to AR channels or plugin/apps. As far as my content management vision, I believe AR should be an added channel to the total of channels used (like Web, Social Media, Narrowcasting) by TYPO3.

My goal is to be able to demonstrate this idea straight from TYPO3 to an AR Channel/plugin using existing content like images, 3d objects, Video´s and general HTML elements like text, forms, maps etc. I would love to demonstrate this at the T3con and my question is if that would be possible to do so?

3 goals with this presentation:
* A good introduction to Augmented Reality;
* explenation and demo of the TYPO3 extention
* demonstrating to push content from TYPO3 to the AR channel/app

To create content for AR channels is a lot easier and it keeps the principle of an enterprise content management system where one system is the source for all communications, channels and targetgroups.

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 Conference Activities

  • Presentations on a variety of TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos topics
  • Presentations on themes related to community, future web and business
  • Special social event (free to attendees of the conference; individual tickets available for others)
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Fishbowl talks
  • Ask an expert


Excellent Wi-Fi will be available for the duration of the conference.

 Platinum Sponsors

  • AOE Media
  • domainfactory

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