Welcome to T3CON13
The 9th European TYPO3 Conference
October 29-31 2013 // Filderhalle in Stuttgart
The Deutsche Post is one of the biggest Logistic companies in the world. In 2011 they decided to have their partner intranet switched to a solution that will scale. punkt.de was assigned to do the task. Agreeing with Deutsche Post, punkt.de wanted to deliver a scalable and future oriented solution. This is why punkt.de decided to use TYPO3/Flow in as many cases as possble, and mix Flow wisely with the existing TYPO3.
Since the release in july 2012 the system has grown even more, and Flow has proven to be a good decision.
In the talk we will tell you on a high level, how we set the system up, to get the most out of it.
If you plan a future prove project, and need some reasons for you boss, than this is the talk to listen to.
Excellent Wi-Fi will be available for the duration of the conference.
Please use the #T3CON13DE tag when you need it.
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