Welcome to T3CON13

The 9th European TYPO3 Conference

October 29-31 2013 // Filderhalle in Stuttgart

Full Real Content Staging for the User!

By Jonas Felix

Users can finally edit and test on a separate system and publish specific changes on the live system. This includes pages, content elements, records, permissions, users, groups, typoscript and files. Thus everything can be tested, including search or complex extensions with real content. It's possible to see the difference on both systems, and it's possible to push single changes or page tree areas from edit to live and even back. This way you can have live content which is changed on the live system parallel to reviewing  content which has to be reviewed on the edit system. We present you the solution for this magic to happen. The solution is tested and running on several real world systems used by customers demanding highest quality. The solution was built and is maintained by a great Team of TYPO3-Developers under the technical leadership of Nils Blattner and the concept of Jonas Felix.

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 Conference Activities

  • Presentations on a variety of TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos topics
  • Presentations on themes related to community, future web and business
  • Special social event (free to attendees of the conference; individual tickets available for others)
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Fishbowl talks
  • Ask an expert


Excellent Wi-Fi will be available for the duration of the conference.

 Platinum Sponsors

  • AOE Media
  • domainfactory

Social Networks

Please use the #T3CON13DE tag when you need it.
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