An internationally known community manager with over 10 years experience in high tech project management, marketing and PR.
Smashing Magazine
Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and does not give up easily. From Minsk in Belarus, he studied computer science and mathematics in Germany, discovered the passage a passion for typography, writing and design. After working as a freelance designer and developer for 6 years, he co-founded Smashing Magazine, a leading online magazine dedicated to design and web development. Vitaly is the author, co-author and editor of all Smashing books. He currently works as editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine in the lovely city of Freiburg, Germany.
Commerce Plus GmbH
Moritz joined the community of online business people in 2002. Coming from an enterpreneurial background he has always been seeking for the most efficient digital solution to meet the requirments of his clients. After some years as Account Director at SinnerSchrader Moritz started next commerce as part of the SinnerSchrader group. Today, Moritz is CEO of Commerce Plus, on e of Germany's leading e-commerce agencies.
Meshed Insights Ltd
Simon Phipps is an independent consultant providing insight and knowledge on open source to businesses and governments worldwide through his company Meshed Insights Ltd.
Rens Admiraal
Rens is a freelance software architect, active TYPO3 Flow / Neos contributor and trainer / coach.
cron IT GmbH
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 CMS 4.5 and 6.2 LTS, and manager of cron IT GmbH, responsible for consulting, web development and managed hosting.
As a freelance journalist he covers topics like New Entrepreneurship, Urban Planning, Augmented Reality or Neuromarketing in Web Design and more.
TechDivision GmbH
Karsten is a Creative Code Engineer and currently working on TYPO3 Flow and Neos. He works for TechDivision in development, quality assurance, consulting and coaching.
dkd Internet Service GmbH
45 Years old. CEO of dkd Internet Service GmbH, Frankfurt.
Using TYPO3 for more than 400 Projects in 12 years.
Olivier is a member of the EAB (Expert Advisory Board) of the TYPO3 Association.
punkt.de GmbH
Juergen Egeling is with the TYPO3 project for about 10 years.
As founder of punkt.de he leads 25 people in different projects.
IT-agile GmbH
Florian Eisenberg is a consultant for it-agile in Hamburg. His focus lies with Kanban and Lean in knowledge work. For this reason, he is an Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT) and Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) for Lean-Kanban University.
For Neos I work in a lot of different areas including the JavaScript backend, backend modules, server-side, project management as well as design and usability.
Scholz & Friends one:zero
He is the managing director of Scholz & Friends one:zero and part of the company management. In this function he is responsible for all digital measures at S&F Hamburg.
hmmh multimediahaus AG
An expert on new media in digital commerce and brand communication. He is also Vice Chairman of the Section E-commerce in the Foundation for Digital Economy (BVDW)
cab services ag
Member of the EAB, team leader of 13 developers, doing projects with TYPO3 since 2003 and flying around in his spare time.
Cofounder of ttree ltd, a small webagency based in Lausanne, Switzerland, and medialib.tv ltd, a VOD SaaS service based on TYPO3 Flow, I'm a big fan of opensource and knowledge sharing. Active in the TYO3 community since more than 10 years, I'm an early adopter of Flow and Neos. Father of a nice little girl, in love with a great woman, I feel like a really lucky boy every morning
AOE Media
Kian T. Gould is the official fundraiser for the TYPO3 association and in charge of marketing for the Enterprise Web CMS, as well as being involved in a variety of TYPO3 community projects.
Oliver started working with TYPO3 in 2005. Today he is the leader of the TYPO3 CMS Core Team, freelancing software engineer and coach.
Cybercr@ft Media Manufactory
Coming from a background as an educated graphic designer of the late 80s, who transformed into a digital media producer during the 90s, Jo entered the TYPO3 universe in 2002.
Cybercr@ft Media Manufactory
Coming from a background as an educated industrial manager and logistics specialist of the late 80s and having worked for major national and international enterprises and business consultancies, Petra entered the TYPO3 universe in 2009.
Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG
Martin Helmich is employed as a software architect at the webhosting provider Mittwald CM Service. He is the author of Mittwald's TYPO3 Extbase/Fluid documentation and co-author of "Praxiswissen TYPO3" and "Zukunftssichere TYPO3-Extensions mit Extbase und Fluid", both published by O'Reilly.
n@work Internet Informationssysteme GmbH
Thomas Hempel is the Head of Development at n@work in Hamburg. His main focus is planing and implementing complex projects with TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 CMS.
Thomas has been a part of the TYPO3 project for more than 10 years by now, including the co-organization of the TYPO3 Developer Days for the last 6 years.
Linum Software GmbH
Claas has over twenty years of professional experience in software development. He's always looking for new challenges, from writing device drivers for NetWare, Linux, and Windows in C to simple basic scripts for mass creation of VPN connections. In his spare time he enjoys working on fli4l, a semi-professional router project.
networkteam GmbH
Christopher is a TYPO3 Flow / Neos active contributor, CEO and founder of networkteam GmbH web agency.
TYPO3 CMS Usability Team Leader
Jens Hoffmann is a creative director for digital media, user experience leader and web consultant.
Andreas Hucks works as a senior developer and consultant for SensioLabs Germany, where he is responsible for the trainings unit.
Helmut Hummel
Helmut Hummel is involved in the TYPO3 community for many years.
Very early he became member of the Security Team
which he was leader of for a couple of years until
he was asked to do release management for TYPO3 6.0
Now he is still a member of the Security Team and TYPO3 CMS Core Team and doing customer work as a freelancer.
Irene Höppner graduated as "Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatikerin" and works as Senior Developer with in2code.
She has started specializing in TYPO3 ten years ago. She is co-author of the "TYPO3 Profihandbuch" and trainer of two DVD video trainings about TYPO3.
She has a deep insight into TYPO3 Flow and focusses on projects comprising complex business applications in the Intranet or Internet
David Jardin, board member of the German Joomla! association "J&Beyond e.V.", is involved in the Joomla! community since it's very beginning.
In 2012 he got in touch with other OpenSource CMS and co-founded the CMS-Garden project, which is a cooperation of 13 OpenSource CMS. Besides that, he's a freelance webdeveloper located in Cologne, Germany.
netlogix Media
Clemens is a project manager and web infrastructure architect. While not a developer himself, he’s on a diplomatic mission between web-hungry customers and tech-savvy developers.
e-net Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Key Account and Senior Project Manager at e-net Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Brightcove, Inc.
Business Development Manager, DACH, Brightcove
Peter Körner is passionate in his focus areas and involved in various
industry and trade associations. Since 2013 he is heading the Business
Development activities for the DACH region for Brightcove, the online video
pioneer and leading global provider of cloud content services.
dkd Internet Service GmbH
Carsten Lambrecht is an experienced Senior Account Manager who worked for several companies, ranging from small businesses to enterprise size clients.
TechDivision GmbH
TYPO3 Neos and TYPO3 Flow founding developer, freelancing software architect, coder, coach and consultant, who sold his first software when he was in the 9th grade.
Mauro is the CTO of WEBFORMAT. He is a TYPO3 Certified Integrator and has a wide experience in TYPO3 and Magento development and consultancy.
Macopedia Sp. z o.o.
Head of development at Macopedia (www.macopedia.pl)
Extbase team member, Magento certified developer, opensource evangelist and 470 class sailor.
Netresearch GmbH & Co.KG
is TYPO3 business developer at the Leipzig based TYPO3- and Magento System Integrator Netresearch. He has been working as project manager, developer and designer on small to large scale TYPO3 projects with academical and enterprise scope.
Zig Websoftware
Menno Ouweneel is business developer at Zig Websoftware. One of his current focuses is the development of mobile solutions.
CEO, software Developer, Team-leader at MOC Systems, Expert on php and HTML/CSS/JavaScript development, with strong focus on TYPO3.
Developing solutions that utilizes new technology to improve user experience,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Antony (@ribotmaximus) and Jerome (@ribotminimus) are co-founders of ribot (@ribot) - a team of 15 people focused on creating simple, intuitive and addictive products for everyday people. Having focused entirely on small-screen experiences, 7 years into running their company they are now taking these learnings and applying them to the digital / physical experience boundary, enhancing people’s experiences in everyday locations.
Jerome (@ribotminimus) and Antony (@ribotmaximus) are co-founders of ribot (@ribot) - a team of 15 people focused on creating simple, intuitive and addictive products for everyday people. Having focused entirely on small-screen experiences, 7 years into running their company they are now taking these learnings and applying them to the digital / physical experience boundary, enhancing people’s experiences in everyday locations.
n@work Internet Informationssysteme GmbH
Klaus Rosenfeld is one of the founding partners of n@work, which started
creating websites back in 1996. His passion for the Internet had it's
origin some years sooner when he co-launched the first website of the
University of Hamburg, where he also received a degree in computer science.
@work Klaus is the head of the web-development department. He consults
clients, takes care of sales and project management.
Apart from creating TYPO3-based Websites, n@work offers Internet Service
Providing based on self-owned and -managed computer centers and network
Amongst others n@work is doing project's for Airbus, Hamburg Tourism,
ECE, Budni, Sea Cloud Cruises, Deutscher Ring, Imtech and Planetarium
Fedir is an open source enthusiast and R&D expert at Stratis (Toulon, France), where he builds large TYPO3 web based applications for French public institutions.
anders und sehr GmbH
Javier is the CEO of anders und sehr. He’s responsible for concepts, mainly international B2B-Websites.
Søren Schaffstein is CEO of dkd Internet Service GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He holds a degree in Technical Information Science from the University of Mannheim and works in the area of web development since the very first days of the World Wide Web. He is a certified Gamification Designer (Expert Level) of the Engagement Alliance and author of several boardgames. He worked as consultant for several advertising agencies and Knoll International in London.
Stephan Sigloch is an e-commerce professional and CEO of the TYPO3 certified integrator NETFORMIC GmbH, Stuttgart.
Creative Lead at Copenhagen-based web agency, moc.net. Doing brand management for open source CMS TYPO3 (among others). Portrait photography enthusiast.
Stay N Alive
Jesse is a speaker, author, developer, marketer, and entrepreneur, who writes and consults on social media technologies.
Andri Steiner is the Hosting Responsible of snowflake. He is one of a
handfull certified Varnish Hosting Partners worldwide and a TYPO3
Kay Strobach
I'm a Freelancer working most of the time with TYPO3 CMS and doing a lot of projects for public institutions.
Michael is a member of the TYPO3 Expert Advisory Board, TYPO3 CMS Core Team, Server Team Leader and TYPO3 veteran.
Brian Teeman, the co-founder of Joomla, will share some of the issues that Joomla has encountered in its attempt to be a globally distributed community operating in every language with no single leader. Don't panic I am not a developer - this is about community not code.
TYPO3 Community Manager
BEn is a community manager, consultant and coach, currently working as TYPO3 Community Manager for the TYPO3 Asssociation.
Vice President of the TYPO3 Association, Founder and Executive Leader of TYPO3 Agency ROODlicht, board member of the Dutch Foundation for the promotion of TYPO3, co-organiser of the TYPO3 Congress, Computable expert on the topic opensource.
My name is Armin Vieweg, I am 30 years old and live in Linz am Rhein, Germany. Four years ago, I had my first experience with TYPO3 and I started to love the CMS and its busy community. Since then I have worked in several agencies -- but the CMS of my choice is still TYPO3. I had started to contribute to the TYPO3 project by writing and publishing extensions, and I am still doing that gladly.
aexea GmbH
Robert Weißgraeber is Prinicipal at aexea, your reliable and professional content expert worldwide. We create high quality multilingual online texts designed for your online business.
TechDivision GmbH
Stefan Willkommer studied computer science at the University of applied sciences in Rosenheim. During this time he started his entrepreneurship with several projects leading into founding the TechDivision GmbH as an internet support company for open source driven solutions in the are of content management and ecommerce. The Magento Gold Partner TechDivision become one of the leading companies in Europe for consulting, developing and supporting Magento Enterprise solutions. During the last 5 years Stefan Willkommer supervised lots of international Magento and TYPO3 projects for very well known customers like WMF and Ritter Sport. He introduced lot's of market leading technologies in the area of deploying php applications and is addicted to lean project management methodology.
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